23-25th Oct / Ibiza, Spain



Breakthrough Energy Solutions
New Medicine | Health & Longevity
Space & Anti-Gravity Technology
Intelligent Life in Space

Explore the Vision

Conscious Technology Symposium:

We are a platform for leading-edge innovators

With breakthrough technologies we come together to showcase, network and synergise with the goal of accelerating the global transformation of our time.

In a world of limitless potential and advanced technology

We already have access to all the resources and solutions that we need to solve current challenges.

This event serves to assist with the efficient and strategic rollout

All these innovation unifying and integrating people and solutions, disrupting the status quo and managing collective transcendence.

As these structures shift, a new era emerges

Reallocating resources for greater balance & equilibrium. Together, we catalyze a paradigm shift towards peace, unity and balance.
The Concious Technology Symposium marks a pivotal moment, embracing infinite possibilities for a better world.

Leaders and Past Pioneer Speakers

Venn Sherman

Founder, Conscious Technology Symposium
Master Developer,
 Power House City,
The Innovation City

Venn finds it in his higher purpose to bring together the world’s greatest innovators, thinkers and conscious leaders to bring about profoundly positive changes on our planet, at scale by obtaining answers to the basic questions like:

Is free, unlimited energy a potential reality? 
Can we completely free ourselves from all disease, using leading edge frequency technologies? Can we evolve further and truly acknowledge our place in the universe & communicate with intelligent life outside of our planet?

Venn has a background in creating ecological cities in collaboration with governments to regenerate derelict districts, incorporating alternative energy solutions, innovation and technology hubs.

Dr. Jan Pathuel

Computer Scientist & Astrophysicist
Co-Founder & Chief Scientist, AEIR

Dr. Pathuel, a luminary whose pioneering spirit illuminates the realms of photon advancements, with a star-studded resume boasting collaborations with NASA and ESA. With a dual mastery in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, and on the cusp of completing a second PhD in Astrophysics, Dr. Pathuel embodies a rare blend of scholarly prowess and real-world acumen.

His journey unfolds through pivotal roles at Accenture and DS, where he orchestrates transformative breakthroughs in Photons and Neural Networks, seamlessly bridging the gap between theory and practice. Driven by an insatiable curiosity and fueled by boundless creativity, he emerges as a trailblazing visionary, boldly carving out new frontiers in science and technology.

Through his interdisciplinary approach and groundbreaking research, Dr. Pathuel is shaping the future of innovation, leaving an indelible mark on the ever-evolving landscape of human progress.

Nassim Haramein

(Via Video Link)

Research Director
International Space Federation (ISF) 

Nassim is the Research Director of the International Space Federation in Geneva, Switzerland, and its subsidiaries; ISF France, Resonance Science Foundation, ARK Crystal, and Torus Tech.

The International Space Federation (ISF) is humanity’s first space exploration organization based on the development of gravity control as propulsion & quantum vacuum energy as a power source. 

Nassim is also Research Director of Torus Tech, a private research and development laboratory founded by him 2015. Haramein has been publishing theoretical frameworks for over 30 years, and Torus Tech applies his theories to patented resonance technologies that focus on quantum vacuum energy extraction and gravitational effects.

Sarah Astles Amne

(Via Video Link)

Chief Executive Officer 
International Space Federation (ISF) 

Sarah is the CEO of the International Space Federation in Geneva, Switzerland, and its subsidiaries; ISF France, Resonance Science Foundation, ARK Crystal, and Torus Tech.

The International Space Federation (ISF) is humanity’s first space exploration organization based on the development of gravity control as propulsion & quantum vacuum energy as a power source. 

Sarah is also Chief Executive Officer of Torus Tech, a private research and development laboratory founded by physicist Nassim Haramein in 2015.

Daniela Herrmann

Co-Founder of Dynex and Mission Leader of Dynex Moonshots
The Dynex Ecosystem:

Daniela is a technology, business and financial industry leader who is passionate about innovation for global good. Daniela’s company Dynex is the world’s only accessible neuromorphic quantum computing cloud for solving real-world problems at scale.

Daniela’s other organization Dynex Moonshots leverages the unique capabilities of Dynex n.quantum computing cloud and its proprietary DynexSolve Chip Algorithm to shorten development timelines and foster significant breakthroughs.

Dynex is the world’s only accessible neuromorphic quantum computing cloud for solving real-world problems, at scale.

Himesh Patel

Founder & CEO, AEIR

Inspired by Nikola Tesla’s work Himesh has propelled energy transmission technology to incredible new heights.

Himesh’s company AEIR is spearheading safe and efficient wireless energy transmission across extensive distances. With the goal is to liberate energy from cumbersome cables and provide secure and efficient wireless energy transfer for all applications. Allowing a future where wires are obsolete.

Pioneering wireless transmission technology will liberate people from the shackles of traditional legacy charging, unveiling a seamless, untethered use of energy, powering multiple devices within a 200m range, operating below 5G to deliver safe, convenient, and reliable power anywhere.

Eddy Chao

Executive Director and CFO
Global Assets Management Group Limited

Eddy, a veteran banker/senior investment expert (Greater China/Southeast Asia/Middle East Peninsula) has been deeply engaged in Switzerland, Europe and Central Asia for many years, focused on conventional energy and new energy, traditional assets and digital assets as well as the innovation and reinvention of the global offshore trading platform.

Camara Cassin

Environmental Science Technologist, Visionary Weaver

Camara Cassin is a polymath weaver working to create a Regenerative global commons to facilitate the emergence of an ecological advanced civilization. She is passionate about finding and implementing cutting edge solutions into a comprehensive design for future cities and ecosystem restoration.

Her education includes Environmental Science Technology, Networking, Fundraising, and Transformational coaching. She is a coordinator for REGENiTECH LLC and the founder of Masterminding EDEN and Visionary Fund.

Dr. Steven Schwartz

Founder, Bioharmonic Technologies

Dr. Steven founded Bioharmonic Technologies, which is a human optimisation technology company raising people’s wellness using sound, light, frequency, and vibration. He specialises in the bioenergetic correction of systemic inflammatory conditions, autoimmune diseases, allergies, and chronic pain.

Dr. Steven has been clinic director and chief over-seeing practitioner of numerous multidisciplinary alternative integrative medicine facilities. He studied Sports Medicine and Biology at Northeastern
University and holds a Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from New York Chiropractic College.

As a lecturer and teacher he has educated countless doctors, healthcare practitioners and the general public on integrating a new understanding of human physiology along with new cutting-edge technologies.

Dr. Simone Rieger

Pioneer and Founder of Visionary Medicine
Integrative Physician

Dr. Simone Rieger expertly combines traditional Chinese medicine and chakra teachings with modern medical practices to address the health challenges of the 21st century. As a specialist in Orthomolecular Medicine, she advocates for a holistic approach that harmonizes lifestyle, purpose, and longevity.

Unveiling the Transformative Power of Soul-Purpose: Discover Dr. Rieger’s pioneering methods that harness Soul-Purpose to positively impact epigenetics. Utilizing specialized frequency techniques alongside tailored lifestyle strategies, she enables individuals to rejuvenate, thereby facilitating their transition from illness to robust health.

Future: Visionary Medicine in Synergy with AI and the Integral Academy Experience.
How this dynamic combination fosters a deeper understanding of consciousness medicine and longevity, supporting humanity’s transformative shift from 3D to 5D dimensions.

I.D. Alex Nassarius

Geometer, Industrial Designer & Philosopher
Estudio Toroide

Founder of Estudio Toroide, this visionary leads a pioneering design studio committed to high-efficiency solutions via Sustainable Quantum Cosmometry. His quest has unlocked the Universal Cosmic Design, culminating in a “General Theory of Design.” This framework revolutionizes our understanding by integrating all knowledge domains into the universal metalanguage, the foundational blueprint underlying all systems.

His innovative “Sustainable Quantum Cosmometry” redefines Geometry, showing how the universe orchestrates its fundamental elements. With 72 Geometric models supporting his theory, he bridges geometry and quantum physics, unveiling the potential for transformative future technologies.

He passionately communicates this knowledge through courses and lectures, advocating for a sustainable re-engineering of human creations in harmony with cosmic principles. His work not only decodes the universe’s metalanguage but also empowers a vision of radical global transformation.

Colard Sjerps

Chief Innovator and Researcher
World of Quantum Foundation

Colard conducts cutting edge research in the field of Quantum Physics in the development of applications and devices for restoring human health & water restructuring technology.

Such devices include sophisticated Frequency Medicine to restore harmony and coherence for better vitality and wellbeing. With applications for resetting and reharmonizing the body at a cellular level, with breakthrough results observed in restoring the human body.

Colard research and work also extends agricultural applications that improve soil, water and crop productivity.

Richard Poiré

Water & Bio-Resonance Alchemist

Working with the fusion of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge water technology, Richard has been exploring the realms of energy, diving deep into the world of bio-energy, harnessing invisible waves through dowsing and researching the Earth’s veins with geobiology.

Richards project the Elixir of Life promotes flourishing health, reduces stress, strengthens the immune system, balances emotions, and awakens vital energy. It is a unique alchemical creation that invites one to resonate in harmony with the energies of nature, for a profoundly transformative well-being experience.

Richard has also developed training programs, comprising powerful therapeutic tools and unique alchemical instruments, well as developed leading edge water-centric devices and gadgets that restore and harmonise multiple layers of the human body and overall wellbeing.

Raphael Kiepura

Quantam Water Technologist

Raphael is a pioneering water technology expert dedicated to advancing sustainable and innovative solutions for water purification and regeneration.

As the lead for the Will of Water pilot project in Ibiza, Raphael focuses on deploying technologies that not only purify and restructure water but also empower communities by restoring the health of global water bodies.

Raphael is spearheading the Space Bath project in Switzerland, which involves a cutting-edge quantum floating tank designed to facilitate regeneration and heart coherence. Raphael projects demonstrate how technology can significantly contribute to both individual well-being and ecological balance.

Dr. Zandra Palma MD

Medical Doctor and Filmmaker.

She studied Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard as an undergraduate, received her medical doctorate from Columbia University, and did her residencies at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Most recently she completed Clinical Training in Environmental Medicine through EMEI.
In clinical practice, Dr. Palma uses “Sub-Diagnostic Analysis” (specialized testing to find the why behind a diagnosis) to determine the root-cause of illnesses. Her root-cause approach is the cornerstone of her process as a disease-reversal specialist and was adapted from her training in Functional Medicine and Environmental Medicine. 
Dr. Palma is also an avid creative and loves making content that puts the power to heal into the hands of the patient, reducing dependance on healthcare systems. She is currently in production, directing and producing her first feature length documentary.

Eesha Patel

Galactic Ambassador, Federation Representative www.eeshapatel.com 

Eesha Patel specialises in the field of Galactic Consciousness and feels she is here to facilitate a connection between humanity and Intelligent Life in Space. Eesha’s profound awakening and contact experience in 2015 set her on a journey of exploring consciousness.

In her current role as Galactic Ambassador, Eesha liaises with over 20 different galactic races via powerful meditation techniques. Eesha’s vision is peaceful open contact with Intelligent Space Life by 2027 and her mission is to lead this awakening through her teaching, facilitation, and courses.

Eesha’s galactic contact work has been featured in prominent media, leading the conversation around how humanity can peacefully awaken and connect with our intergalactic family.

Dr. Alexander Layendecker

Dr. Alexander Layendecker is the founder and current Director of the Astrosexological Research Institute (ASRI), a scientific research organization dedicated to the study of human sexual health and reproduction factors in outer space. 

He is co-founder of Legacy Sciences, a scientific research company which aims to address “forgotten” problems, leading-edge remedies, and uninvestigated phenomena in the medical and space life sciences, as well as overlapping scientific fields. He has a degree USAF Air University’s Air Command and Staff College, for which his thesis focused on development of a framework for future Space Rescue operations conducted by the United States Space Force (USSF). 

Dr. Layendecker serves on advisory and director boards for multiple organizations, to include SpaceBorn United Inc., and the Space Tourism Society (STS). He has been featured as a speaker on The Space Show, The Space Revolution, and Age of Infinite, as well as at various conferences to include SXSW, the International Space Development Conference (ISDC), and New Worlds. 

Dr. Tatiana Tarnowski

Forbes Top 11 Purposeful Leaders-Women Positively And Inspiringly Impacting The World 2023, Shortlisted Thinkers 50 and acknowledged by the Disrupter Award.

As a strategist at heart, her focus is developing the pathway for a systemic transition towards a business logic in service of our planet and society. Tatiana is convening, advising, and mobilizing world leaders on the corporate -, coalition – and industry level through Leaders on Purpose.

Leaders on Purpose mobilises multi-national corporations to scale a purpose-centered business approach to accelerate impact systematically and create future-fit markets for generations to come.

For her Ph.D. in strategic decision making under uncertainty of c-suites, she was recognized with the honorary speech, nominated for the William H. Newman All-Academy Award of the Academy of Management where she published amongst other international outlets.

Andrew Mount

Co-funder of New Energy Movement

Andrew Mount served as both a co-founder of New Energy Movement (alongside the late Dr. Brian O’Leary), and assistant to the Chairman of International Space Sciences Organization, Andrew has continued to delve into the unique properties of rotating machines in keeping with Dr. DePalma’s work.  

It is his view that torsion is the key to accessing the quantum-dynamical forces that underpin the structure of so-called matter, as mass is only a modification of field space.  And Space is simply a construct of torsion at the root of cosmic existence.  All forces are derived from this fundamental field of rotation that informs all features of reality from fractal geometries to the electromagnetic spectrum.

It is Andrew’s life goal to work in conjunction with all the most pioneering research teams to ensure that the understanding of quantum torsion is enshrined at the heart of New Science endeavors.  He believes there will be no dramatic breakthroughs in this area without an unprecedented collaboration between a broad-based consortium of both theoretical and engineering geniuses.

discover our

Artists, Healers and Activity Facilitators

Anjuna Ma Saraya

High Priestess, Spiritual Healer, Channel,
Founder Of The Mystery School Of Miracles

Channeling the 6th Ray of the Elohim consciousness, the Goddess Frequency of Creation & the Golden Christ Light ☥

Part of the Council of Light, Anjuna reminds us of the sacred beings we are and to live from our highest potential. A sacred soul journey to create a golden Eden on earth.

Anjuna opens portals to the Sirius star system to bring through the most divine, celestial frequency and loving energy of healing ascension. Bathing in unconditional love and grace and opening to the miracles of life.

Mirabell Arad

Himalayan Soundbath, Vibrational Medicine

Mirabell is a sound healing teacher who lived in the Himalayas practicing Meditation, Tai chi – Qigong, Filming, Sounds. Her practice includes meditation and breathing techniques that have the power to revive & rejuvenate.

Mirabell works with various sound instruments that have a profound wellness and healing effects. These vibrations work on the subtle layers of the body, deepening relaxation.

Jurgis Didžiulis (aka Jurgis DID)

Musician & Emotional Awareness Facilitator

Jurgis has a unique talent for bringing people together through the magic of musical co-creation. He combines musical improvisation, professional speaking and participative play to create “exceptional togetherness”.

Jurgis has professional background ranging from Eurovision to European Union Consultant, which allows him to transcend formats gracefully and connect with very diverse audiences; from kindergarten to presidential receptions.

Jurgis focus is on musical community-building to reconnect people to their musicality, explore resonance, coherence and sympathy through musical play.

Dr Percy Geicke

Vedic Meditation Facilitator
Dr Percy spent 45 years with the acclaimed spiritual leader, his Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who founded the renowned Transcendental Meditation (TM) Movement and changed the world in many ways.

Percy has worked with leaders and countries for projects all around the world, including scientifically proven world peace projects with Mass Meditations. Maharishi spoke about the field effect through highly correlated brain waves of advanced TM-Practitioners to create peaceful, creative and supportive environments.

Farrah Garan

Tantrayana Yoga Teacher & Coach

Exploring the Tantrayana Yogic Buddhist practices through the lens of leading-edge science, Farrah illuminates the depth and wisdom of the Tibetan yogic spiritual path for reaching our greatest human potential.

Farrah will leading accessible Tibetan movement & breathwork techniques, offering the Lu Jong Five Elements Movements would nurture our spines, energize our bodies and calming the conceptual mind. These will take only 15 to 30 minutes and serve to refresh and rejuvenate.
Combining movement, breath & mindfulness. Shifting to focus on caring for the body, breath and nervous system will support the intellectual aspects of the symposium.

Simon Wagner

Artist & Co-Founder 
Quantum Ice 

Simon is an artist, visionary, and creative channel. His transformational nature is striving for balance, flow, elegance and perfection.

Blessed with a golden heart and a bright mind, his soul pulses with a grand mission: to serve the planet and humanity through the alchemy of nature-based healing solutions. 

Simon is Co-Founder and Creative Director of Quantum Ice with a mission to connect the ancient wisdom of cold & heat exposure with cutting-edge technologies .

Special Thanks to

Our Valued Sponsors

The Incredible


The Garden of Light venue in San Miguel on the 8 & 9th May & UNIO Ibiza venue in Sant Josep on the 10th May.

Optional Luxurious Accommodation
at Venue Location

The Exciting


May 8, 2024

Day 1 – New Energy & Space Day

Sermita Villa, San Miguel Location 

1.30 pm
Arrivals, Refreshments & Music

2 pm
Opening Remarks
Technology For Peace
Venn Sherman
Founder Concious Technology Symposium, Purpose & Mission of the Symposium

Inspirational Message from Nassim Haramein
The Latest Developments by International Space Federation
Nassim Haramein & Sarah Astles Amne
via Video Link

2:30pm- 3:20pm
Quantam Frequency Healing Technology
Quantam Water Super Charging for Immunity, Recovery & Longevity
Colard Sjerps

3:20pm – 4:10pm
Wireless Energy Transmission is Now Here
Dr Jan Pathuel and Himesh Patel

4:10pm – 4:40pm
Break (30 min.)

4:40pm – 5:30pm
Solving Real World Problems at Scale: Introducing Dynex, the world’s only accessible neuromorphic quantum computing cloud
Daniela Herrmann

5:30pm – 6:20pm
Quantam Cosmometry:
Rediscover the language of the Universe
I.D. Alex Nassarius

6:20pm – 7:10pm
Conciousness, Medicine & Longevity 
Dr. Simone Rieger 

7.15pm – 7.50pm
Earth Regeneration & Energy
Leading Edge Solutions for Energy & Ecology
Camara Cassin

7:50pm – 8:20pm
Closing Remarks

May 8, 2024
May 9, 2024

Day 2 New Medicine, Health & Longevity

Sermita Villa, San Miguel Location 

Opening Remarks & Break Through Solutions Summary

Tibetan Yoga & Wellness Demonstration 
Farrah Garan

Space on Purpose
Dr Tatiana Tornowski

Intelligent Life in Space
& The latest developments 
Dr. Alexander Layendecker

Bridging Between Quantum Bioresonance and Clinical Practice
Dr Tim Robert Van Elst

Leading Edge Quantum Water Frequency Solutions
Healing Frequencies, Wearable Devices & Concept Innovations
Raphael Kiepura & together with Richard Poiré

Break – 30mins 

5:20pm – 6:20pm
(To be confirmed)

6:20pm – 6:50pm
The Essential Role of Torsion 
in Creating Universal Forces, Matter, and Energy.
Andrew Mount

6:50pm – 7:30pm
Healing with Bioharmonic Technologies
Dr. Steven Schwartz

7:30pm – 8pm
The Vedic Sciences
Dr Percy speaks about his 45 years with the acclaimed mystic, his Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who founded the renowned Transcendental Meditation (TM) Movement
Dr Percy Geicke

8pm – 8:20pm Closing Remarks

May 9, 2024
May 10, 2024

Day 3 – Es Vedra – Ibiza Sacred Site Activation

UNIO Ibiza at Es Vedra Location

Qi Gong Experience

Community Circle

Sound Healing & Mantra
Mirabell & Venn

Connecting to Galactic Origins 
Eesha Patel

Lunch at UNIO Retreat Center Restaurant

High Frequency Transmission 
Anjuna Ma Saraya

Akashic Journey – Astral Projection Tour of the Universe 
Venn Sherman

Closing Ceremony- Ibiza Concious Technology Symposium

May 10, 2024
Join Us in Shaping Tomorrow

Reserve Your Spot at the Symposium Today

Experience a convergence of pioneering ideas, breakthrough technologies, and boundless creativity.

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